Engineers Without Borders Nepal (EWBN) celebrates a historic moment in Bharatpur, Nepal! The first i-Jatra (Innovation Exhibition) at Prabhat Secondary School in Terai, following a successful 5-day, 30-hour student accelerator program (SAP) under EWBN’s flagship project, i-Lab.
30 students and 3 teachers were immersed in an intensive innovation journey during SAP, transforming their mindset to view challenges as opportunities for local growth and innovation.
The impact? Students and teachers now see problems as an opportunity; a stepping stone to success—and are less inclined to prioritize going abroad for livelihood.
Motivated by this positive change, Prabhat School commits to an annual i-Jatra, fostering curiosity, passion, entrepreneurship, and ongoing innovation efforts!
Heartfelt gratitude to UNDP for initiating and supporting this movement, Prabhat School’s dedicated faculty, students, and staff members, cheering parents, and our support partner Karyashala.Without all of your support, this incredible journey wouldn’t have been possible.
Let’s celebrate the power of change, community, growth, and innovation!